Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) – is one of the most troublesome plant pests.
Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae)
It is polyphagous so it can be harmful to many field crops and greenhouse crops. Two-spotted spider mite is very harmful in conditions favourable to its development (high temperature, no rainfall, greenhouse crops). It quickly leads to significant damage of the plants, growth and yield weakening.
Damages caused by mites on various crops
As the two-spotted spider mite can easily develop resistance to conventional chemical miticides, its controlling with traditional methods is very difficult and often ineffective.
According to all trials conducted in Poland and abroad, and the opinion of farmers, Siltac EC is a product which is particularly effective in controlling the two-spotted spider mite and many other species of this pest (e.g. the European red mite, the Spruce spider mite). Usually, after a single application of the preparation, the mite population is reduced by o 90 % – 100 %.
It must be emphasized that practically mites cannot develop resistance to Siltac EC. This guarantees stability of its performance.
Introduction of Siltac EC into agricultural practice is an undoubted breakthrough in mite control strategies.
Practically mites cannot develop resistance to Siltac EC. This guarantees stability of its performance.