Siltac EC – an alternative, physical method of eliminating pests of crop plants

How does Siltac EC work?

Siltac EC is an innovative solution designed to provide an effective method of controlling herbivorous insects and mites that feed on crop plants. The product does not contain traditional active substances of chemical pesticides, therefore it does not require a pre-harvest interval. This makes plant protection much safer.

The mechanism of action the product against insects and mites is typically physical and is based on the unique 3D-IPNS ™ technology (Three-dimensional Immobilizing Polymeric Net Structure).

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All ingredients of Siltac EC (all monomers contained in silicone copolymers of which the product is composed) satisfy the registration conditions that apply to such compounds, as required by Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006.

Siltac EC - product

Benefits of use

  • High effectiveness

    It shows high effectiveness in reducing populations of many troublesome pests of crop plants, for example spider mites, aphids and scale insects.

  • A wide range of applications

    Due to the wide range of use, it is very useful in protecting crops for which there are no registered, traditional insecticides/acaricides for controlling pests.

  • No pesticide residues in plants

    The product does not contain any active substances of pesticides (therefore, it does not leave any residues of plant protection products). It meets public expectations concerning safe plant protection.

  • Pests do not develop resistance to the product

    It is especially effective in combating pests which quickly develop resistance to traditional insecticides and acaricides, such as aphids and spider mites.

  • It controls a wide range of pests

    Due to a purely physical mechanism of the product action, pests do not become resistant to Siltac EC is very useful in anti-resistance strategies and in combating pest populations that are resistant to traditional zoocides.

Note: before applying pest control treatment, please read and strictly observe the notes and precautions regarding the use of Siltac EC!

Recommended dilution rates

Fruit trees

Control of aphids (including woolly apple aphids), spider mites, rust mites, psyllids, scale insects larvae.

Recommended dilution rates:
0.1% – 0.15% (100 – 150 mL of the product per 100 L of water)
Recommended amount of water: 500 – 750 L/ha

Pear trees
Recommended dilution rate: 0.12% (120 mL of the product per 100 L of water)
Recommended amount of water: 400 – 600 L/ha

When applied in early spring, Siltac EC is very effective in eliminating the European red mite.
The procedure should be performed when larvae hatch from overwinter eggs:
apple tree – at the stage of between green buds and pink buds.
plum trees – at the stage of green buds.

Notes (restrictions in use):
The fruit of some apple varieties (e.g. 'Golden Delicious’) and the leaves of some varieties of pears (e.g. 'Conference’) may be sensitive to Siltac EC. Special care should be taken when using Siltac EC on these varieties.

To minimise the risk of plant damage, treatments should be applied in conditions allowing for fast drying of spray solution on plants (in daytime, during dry weather conditions). Do not carry out treatments late in the evening, at night or in the morning.

Plants in bloom stage – in some species, the product may cause damage to flower petals.

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Control of aphids, spider mites, scale insects larvae, blackcurrant gall mites.

Recommended dilution rates:
0.1% – 0.15% (100 – 150 mL of the product per 100 L of water)
Recommended amount of water: 500 – 800 L/ha

In order to control blackcurrant gall mites, Siltac EC should be used during the migration period of this pest – from the beginning of the growing season until the stage immediately following the blooming period (2-3 treatments applied at intervals of about 7-10 days). During the flowering of blackcurrant bushes, the product should be applied at a concentration of 0.1%.

Notes (restrictions in use):
To ensure plants safety treatments should be applied in conditions allowing for fast drying of spray solution on plants (in daytime, during dry weather conditions). Do not carry out treatments late in the evening, at night or in the morning.

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Ornamental plants

Control of aphids, spider mites, scale insects larvae, whiteflies. Suppression of thrips.

Recommended dilution rates:
Ornamental trees and shrubs: 0.1% – 0.12% (100 – 120 mL of the product per 100 L of water)
Roses: 0.1% (100 mL of the product per 100 L of water)
Other ornamental plants: 0.05% – 0.07% (50 – 70 mL of the product per 100 L of water)

Recommended amount of water:
The amount of liquid to be used depends on the size of plants. Use sufficient spray volume to ensure thorough coverage of plants.

Notes (restrictions in use):
Avoid application to flowering plants.
Crops in bloom stage – it may damage petals in some species.
Before using the product it is necessary to perform a preliminary test on a few plants to check possible phytotoxicity.
To ensure plants safety treatments should be applied in conditions allowing for fast drying of spray solution on plants.

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Control of aphids, spider mites, whiteflies. Suppression of thrips.

Recommended dilution rates:
0.1% – 0.15% (100 – 150 mL of the product per 100 L of water)
Cucumber, lettuce, Chinese cabbage: 0.1% (100 mL of the product per 100 L of water)
Tomato, pepper, aubergine, herbs: 0.05% – 0.07% (50 – 70 mL of the product per 100 L of water).

Recommended amount of water:
The amount of liquid to be used depends on the size of plants. Use sufficient spray volume to ensure thorough coverage of plants.

Notes (restrictions in use):
Do not spray seedlings and young plants.
Crops in bloom stage – it may damage petals in some species.
The product can cause foliage injuries to some varieties of lettuce and some species of herbs – before using the product it is necessary to perform a preliminary test on a few plants to check possible phytotoxicity.
To ensure plants safety treatments should be applied in conditions allowing for fast drying of spray solution on plants (in daytime, during dry weather conditions). Do not carry out treatments late in the evening, at night or in the morning. It is especially important in case of sensitive crops (e.g. tomato, pepper, cucumber).

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Winter and spring cereals, sugar beet

Control of aphids.

Recommended dosage: 0.5 L/ha

Recommended amount of water: 300-350 L/ha

In sugar beet, the correct treatment technique is particularly important to allow the spray solution to reach the aphids feeding sites.

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Notes and contraindications

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Use Siltac EC in your backyard garden

An innovative method of controlling plant pests in gardens